The Harvest is Plenty! | Bringing in the Sheaves in the Bible

This post is all about sheaves in the bible

I’m so excited to be finally posting this blog post about sheaves in the bible! 💖

The Lord has been ministering to me about the harvest, and, amazingly, I got over four confirmations while writing this post. I felt like it was literally raining manna of ideas. Lol. So the post grew and grew to this uplifting and insightful post. It is definitely a “now” word!

Quick backstory…I grew up on a farm, and it was exciting when it came to harvest time. We all worked together on the farm to ensure the harvest was completed. We were always joyous when we would weigh sacks of potatoes or vegetables. It was a lot of work, but it was often a full-circle moment. A few months prior, this harvest was just but a seed planted in the earth. But now, we have a plentiful harvest.

Mark 4:28 For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head.

Of course, there were times when there was destruction to the harvest. So I will also touch on what that means spiritually.

This blog post will explore what sheaves and harvest represent, discuss bible stories, verses, and much more.

Ready to be motivated? Let’s go

What are sheaves of grain?

The word “sheaves” refers to a bundle of stalks of grain that have been bound together.

The mention of sheaves often is used literally and metaphorically. They can be found throughout the bible, often with deep spiritual meanings!

ln the Old Testament, they often talked of sheaves in regards to the harvest of the crop. The New Testament relates to the harvest of souls and other spiritual applications like abundance.

Bringing in the sheaves meaning

Psalm 126:1-6 is part of the song of ascents which are Psalms 120-134.

Psalm 126 is the 7th of 15 songs of ascents. Jewish pilgrims sang these songs on their way (or “ascent”) to Jerusalem.

Let’s review verse 6:

Psalm 126:6 (KJV) He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

“Bringing in the sheaves” is a term used in the Bible to describe the gathering of grain crops. It usually refers to the final stage of harvesting, when the sheaves (bundles) of grain are brought into the barn or granary.

Let’s review some metaphors:

  • The metaphor of bringing in the sheaves is about bringing in a harvest. It is about hard work and reaping the rewards of that hard work. It is also about abundance, provision, and blessings.
  • When we bring in the sheaves, we bring in what has been given to us. We are bringing in what belongs to us. It speaks to the idea that we are bringing in what has been promised to us. We are bringing in what God has prepared for us.
  • This metaphor is also about faith. When we bring in the sheaves, we trust that God will provide. We are trusting that He will bless us. We trust that He will give us the strength to do the work.
  • Bringing in the sheaves is also a metaphor for our spiritual journey. It reminds us that we need to have faith in God’s promises. We need to trust that He will provide for us. We need to trust that He has a plan for our lives.

Sowing in the weeping?

Ok, let’s backtrack to what Psalm 126 says. It says, “sowing in the weeping.” Now, I have to be very honest…I never understood the words “sowing in the weeping” until now. I always thought the image of laborers crying or weeping in the fields was rather dramatic.😂

However, I know this to be true during this season that I’m sowing in obedience to God’s call! One is genuinely sowing as they weep.😭

So, in short- Yes, the bible is 100% true to spell it precisely as it is. People are sowing as they weep.

Let me transcribe this for you. I don’t know your situation. So you can fill in the blank. What are you sowing? You may be sowing seeds, hoping your self-esteem improves, your financial situation changes, you get healed, you better manage a chronic illness, pass your classes, or that a wayward child comes back home.

So think about this, you wake up every morning, you sow. No rain in sight, but you persevere; you are persistent. You keep on. Nobody believes your dream. But you sow, albeit in tears and weeping, but you sow!

Well, the Bible promises that we will return rejoicing…sheaves of wheat in hand!

So, I want to say cheers to your sheaves of wheat! A harvest is coming, and you will rejoice.

Ruth, gleaning sheaves in the bible

(Biblical reference: Ruth 2😊)

The first bible story I will look at is from the book of Ruth. Ruth was a Moabite woman whose husband died, leaving her with nothing. Ruth went out to glean in the fields.

My friends, “gleaning” is another term used in connection with harvesting grain crops. It refers to the practice of leaving a portion of the crop in the field for the poor and needy to gather. You can imagine the dire state she was in; only the poor did this.

Ruth happened to be in Boaz’s field. Boaz was a relative of her late husband, and he was very kind to her. He told his workers to let her glean as much as she wanted, and he even gave her special treatment.

At the end of the story, Ruth and Boaz get married, and she becomes a part of his family. Ruth was a foreigner, but she still had a place in God’s plan. This story is significant because it shows us that God can use anyone, no matter where they come from.

Keep this in mind as we continue to tie all the themes of sheaves and harvest…

P.S I also outline Ruth’s story in the blog post titled, “7 Incredibly Strong Women in the Bible”

Joseph dream of harvest

(Biblical reference: Genesis 37😊)

This is the dream that Joseph had in which sheaves are mentioned. In the dream, sheaves bowed down to him. The sheaves are symbolic of his brothers bowing down to him.

I will not touch much on this since I want to do a bible study deep dive on Joseph soon. Feel free to read the biblical reference linked.

Jesus and bringing in the sheaves

Let’s revisit Psalm 126, and let’s tie in our Messiah:

The bringing in of the sheaves in Psalm 126 was often used as a Messianic prophecy, as it foretold a time when the Messiah would come and redeem his people.

This metaphor is significant because it speaks of a time when God would restore his people. It is a message of hope that God will bring redemption and salvation one day. As stated earlier the Israelites often sang this song as they made their way up to Jerusalem for the feasts. It was also a spiritual reminder to them that God would one day redeem his people, and they would be able to return to their homeland.

This metaphor is still relevant today as we wait for the Messiah’s return. We can take comfort in knowing that God will one day restore all things and bring redemption to his people. This song reminds us that we should never lose hope and that God is always faithful. No matter what situation we find ourselves in.

If you are ever feeling lost or hopeless, remember the bringing in of the sheaves. Remember that God is always with you, and he will one day redeem his people. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone and God is always faithful.

Bringing in the sheaves is a metaphor that reminds us of the hope we have in Christ.❤️

Isaac’s patience and obedience led to a 100fold harvest!

The Harvest is Plenty

The harvest is a time of great rejoicing. It is a time when the fruits of our labor are finally reaped. However, it is also a time of great patience. The harvest does not come overnight. It takes many months, or even years, of careful cultivation to produce a successful crop.

When Isaac was living in the land of Gerar, the Lord appeared to him and said,

“Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I shall tell you. Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed… So Isaac stayed in Gerar.” (Genesis 26:1-6).

Before diving into the lessons, think about this…you are in a position or situation where things appear “dry.” You are tempted to hop onto the bandwagon and travel to Egypt or tempted to quit what you started. You hear rumors of people doing “swell” in Egypt and want to leave where God has placed you. However, God insists- stay put! Then what happens? You stay there (the land promised to you), and you receive a hundredfold harvest!!!!

Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. (Genesis 26:12)

Let’s look at some key lessons about Isaac’s harvest:

1. God is always with us

He (God) appeared to Isaac and promised to be with him. This is a comfort to us, knowing that God is always with us no matter what trials or tribulations we face in life. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:16).

2. Obedience

God told Isaac to stay in the land, and he obeyed. Even though it may not be easy, we must always obey God’s commands. We may not understand why He is asking us to do something, but we must trust that He knows what is best for us.

3. God keeps His promises

He promised to bless Isaac and his descendants, and He did. God is a faithful God who always keeps His promises. We can trust that He will do what He says He will do.

4. Patience

The harvest does not come overnight. It takes time, patience, and hard work to see results. In the same way, we must be patient in waiting for God to work in our lives. His timing is perfect, and He will do everything in His perfect timing.

5. We can bless others through our obedience

By obeying God’s commands, we can be a blessing to those around us. As we obey Him, we can be used by Him to bless others.

These are just five of the many lessons we can learn from the harvest story in Genesis 26. I encourage you to read this passage and see what other truths you can find!

As we wait patiently for the harvest, let us remember these lessons and apply them to our lives. And let us always thank God, for He is good, and His love endures forever! Amen.

Yielding to the Holy Spirit for a bountiful harvest

Ok, so by now, I know you have started to make connections.

This is what I believe: when we think of sheaves, we should also think of the following seven themes:

  • Sowing/planting of seeds
  • Seeds falling on good ground
  • Weeds growing in the harvest
  • Destruction of harvest
  • Bearing fruit
  • Reaping/Harvest
  • Laborers in the harvest

Let’s review two stories that touches on some of the themes I mentioned above:

The parable of the sower is in Matthew 13:24-30. Here, Jesus tells a story about a man who went out to sow seed. Some seeds fell on good ground and produced fruit, while others fell on rocky ground or among thorns and did not produce anything. This parable teaches us that to achieve a bountiful harvest; we must be willing to sow the seeds of hard work and dedication on good ground.

Solomon 2:15 talks of catching foxes that ruin our blooming vineyards. This verse indicates being alert and aware of any evil that seeks to destroy our harvest. Remember to be obedient and always seek God so that the devil has no legal ground over your life.

Other stories I previously mentioned also tie well to the themes I mentioned. Always keep these themes in mind when working on anything in your life. Then ask yourself, “Am I sowing on good ground? Am I bearing fruit? Is there a door I’ve opened for the enemy to destroy my harvest?”

Friends, let us remember to yield to the Spirit of God to ensure we have a bountiful harvest.

Knowles Shaw- Bringing in the Sheaves

Do you know the song “Bringing in the Sheaves”?

Well, It is a popular gospel song that Knowles Shaw wrote. The song is based on Psalm 126! I love this song because my parents sparked my love for old music. You can read more about one of my other favorite songs in my post titled “till we meet again.”

Knowles Shaw was an evangelist who preached for a short time but baptized 11,000 people! Isn’t that remarkable? As I share the story, you will understand how he took the mission of “bringing in the sheaves seriously!” His last words seconds before going heaven-bound were “it is a grand thing to rally people to the cross of Christ”.

Knowles Shaw was born in 1837 and raised on a farm in New York. He began preaching when he was just eighteen years old. Mr. Shaw was a man who had a passion for winning souls for Christ. He was known for his lengthy sermons, sometimes lasting up to four hours.

Mr. Shaw was completely dedicated to his ministry, and it’s no surprise that his passion and dedication continue to inspire people today.

We will forever remember Mr. Shaw as a man who was completely sold out for Christ and His gospel.

If you want to read more about his life, please visit The Restoration Movement’s website.

Bible song bringing in the sheaves

Harvest is Plenty- Laborers are few!

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest field.”

This verse is rich with meaning and has applications for both the spiritual and physical realms.

One way to look at this verse is the physical harvest. Farmers work hard to plant and care for their crops, but they can only do so much. At some point, they need help bringing in the harvest. This is where laborers come in. They come alongside the farmer and help with the physically demanding crop harvesting. 

The same is true in the spiritual realm. There are lost and hurting people around us who need to hear the gospel’s good news. But we can only reach so many on our own. We need to ask God to send more laborers into his harvest field. This is especially important when we consider that, according to Matthew 28:19-20, the great commission is to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

Just as farmers need laborers to help with the physical harvest, we need laborers to help with the spiritual harvest. When we pray for more laborers, we ask God to raise up people willing to share the gospel with those who are lost. We are also asking him to use us in this work.

This verse reminds us that we are all called to be laborers in the Lord’s harvest field. Whether farmers or evangelists, let us all pray for God to raise more workers for his kingdom. Let us also be willing to labor alongside him, sharing the gospel’s good news with those who are lost.

Are you walking in your purpose of bringing in the sheaves?

Ok, so I’m going to talk about purpose! (I know! I always talk about purpose LOL)…

Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. I believe this also speaks to the fact that not everyone lives in their God-given purpose. Why? We all have a unique assignment from God, but we often get off track. We get caught up in this world’s things and forget our true mission.

When we are not living in alignment with God’s will, we cannot partner with Him to harvest souls for His kingdom. This is why it is so vital that we stay close to God and seek His will for our lives. We need to be obedient to the call He has placed on our lives so that he can use us to impact the world for His glory.

So I ask you- Are you living in your God-given purpose? Are you being used by Him to help harvest souls for His kingdom?

If you are unsure about your kingdom assignment- pray that God would show you His will for your life and that you would have the courage to follow it!

If you are in the fields laboring, thank Him for the opportunity to be a part of His harvest! Let us all labor together to bring in the lost and hurting of this world so that they may know the hope and life found in Jesus Christ.

And that’s it, folks, Bringing in the Sheaves in the Bible

Bringing in the sheaves requires hard work, dedication, and a reliance on God. If we are willing to sow the seeds of our efforts, we will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest!

So let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:23-24)

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

P.S I believe this is a “now” word. If this post blessed you, please share the blog post link with family and friends.


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