Tamarisk Tree in the Bible | Inspiring

This post is all about the Tamarisk Tree in the Bible

The tamarisk tree is found throughout the Bible and has a rich history and symbolism. I think this is one fascinating tree; I can’t wait for you to read this post!

So, what’s in store? I’ll explore all that the tamarisk tree represents in biblical stories and some amazing facts. You’ll learn about its evergreen nature, what it symbolizes spiritually, and more.

Ready? Let’s go!

Why I’m writing this post

I was watching a video about “an appeal to heaven” by Dutch Sheets yesterday. He briefly mentioned the tamarisk tree and went on with his teaching. Once he said the tamarisk tree, I was stirred in the spirit. I then started to read verses about the tamarisk because I felt a hunger to look for the meaning.  

Quick backstory: I have a love for trees. My dad did afforestation back in the day. I detailed this in the blog post: The forest that Dad planted. I also love numerous tree species and have extensively researched them, i.e., aspen trees, acacia trees, etc.

So, this blog post is literally from the research and reflection that I did all day yesterday about the tamarisk.

What is a tamarisk tree?

The tamarisk, also known as the salt cedar, is a small to medium-sized tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall. It’s an evergreen tree native to dry areas of southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia.

What does it look like?

It is a “very graceful tree, with long feathery branches and tufts, closely clad with the minutest of leaves, and surmounted in spring with spikes of beautiful pink blossom, which seem to envelop the whole tree in one gauzy sheet of color”

(Henry Baker Tristram, The Natural History of the Bible).

7 amazing facts about the tamarisk tree

  1. The shade of the tamarisk is much cooler than that of other trees.
  2. “It can withstand heat and long dry spells by sending roots deep down to find underground water.” (Source: Jewish Heritage Online Magazine)
  3. “If water is available during the first growing season, the tamarisk’s roots continue to seek out the damp soil and continue to flourish without additional irrigation” (Source: Jewish Standard)
  4. Tamarisk trees are tolerant of drought and thus are ideal for arid climates.
  5. The wood of tamarisk trees is hard and durable; thus, it is ideal for making quality and valuable construction and furniture-making pieces (See: Highland Wood Working to sample pictures)
  6. Tamarisk is a slow-growing tree.
  7. Tamarisk trees can live to over 100 years.

Benefits of the Tamarisk Tree

The tamarisk tree has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes. In ancient times, the bark and leaves of the tamarisk were used to treat fever, wounds, and digestive problems.

It is used to make a vegetable product called Manna (no connection to the miraculous food that Israelites ate). Manna is created when the tamarisk is boiled, strained, and used as honey. (Source: Henry Baker Tristram, The Natural History of the Bible & Brittanica).

It also provides windbreaks, soil stabilizers, and shade for livestock and people.

Tamarisk tree symbolism

Now that you know all about the tamarisk tree let’s look at some of its spiritual meaning and symbolism.

1. Symbol of hope and life

The evergreen nature of the tamarisk tree represents hope and life. The tamarisk tree also symbolizes new beginnings. If you’re going through a tough time, the tamarisk tree is a reminder that better days are ahead.

2. Symbol of strength and resilience

The tamarisk tree is known for its ability to thrive in harsh conditions. This is a reminder that you can overcome any obstacle if you have faith and determination.

3. A reminder of God’s faithfulness

The tamarisk tree was a spiritual symbol of the covenant between Abraham and God. This story reminds us that no matter what happens in life, God will always keep His promises.

4. Symbolizes eternal life

Since the tamarisk is an evergreen tree, some see that it symbolizes eternal life. In addition, in Genesis 21:33, after Abraham planted the tamarisk, he refers to God as “El Olam,” which means everlasting or eternal God!

5. Sacred tree

Today, the tamarisk tree is still considered to be a sacred tree by many people.

If you’re looking for a powerful symbol of hope, life, and faith, look no further than the tamarisk tree. This significant tree has a rich history and a deep spiritual meaning. The next time you see a tamarisk tree, take a moment to reflect on its significance.

Tamarisk tree throughout the Bible (bible verses)

Let’s look at three examples where the tamarisk tree is mentioned in the Bible

  • Saul is said to have been under a tamarisk tree in 1 Samuel 22:6.
  • The tamarisk is also mentioned when Saul was buried under it (1 Samuel 31:13).
  • However, the most significant time the tamarisk is mentioned is when Abraham plants one. Genesis 21:33

Abraham’s covenant symbolism with tamarisk

When Abraham and Sarah were living in the land of Canaan, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beer-sheba which is a Canaanite town.

Beersheba means “well of seven” or “well of oaths

Although the tamarisk tree was a physical symbol of covenant between him and the Philistine king Abimelech of Gerar (Read Genesis 21:22-33), it also has a spiritual significance. This was the land promised to Abraham’s descendants.

Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Eternal God.

(Genesis 21:33)

It’s fascinating to see that Abimelech saw the grace and favor over Abraham’s life.

At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do…”

Genesis 21:22

Another thing is the act or pledge of planting trees is truly prophetic. As I continue to reiterate throughout the post, it’s the land promised to Abraham’s descendants!

Why was this significant?

1. Covenant

Abraham made a covenant when he planted the tamarisk tree. The covenant was about his obedience to God. So essentially, the tamarisk tree was a symbol of that covenant. It showed Abraham’s obedience to God and his commitment to the covenant.

2. Hope & faith

The tamarisk tree was also a symbol of hope. It was a sign of God’s blessing on his descendants. It was also a symbol of Abraham’s faith in God.

3. Willingness to follow commands

This act showed his dedication to God and his willingness to obey His commands.

Blessing for future generations

tamarisk tree spiritual meaning

As per the information provided earlier, the tamarisk is a slow-growing tree. So, the fact that Abraham planted it is symbolic not only as a covenant or treaty but as hope and expectation, knowing that this would benefit future generations.

This act of obedience was not only a physical act but also a spiritual act. Abraham was planting the seeds of blessings that his descendants would reap for generations to come. I would imagine that he planted it, knowing that he may not see the tree mature into full stature, but future generations will as per the promise God gave him. (See Genesis 12:1-3 &  Genesis 17)

The blessings of God are important; we know that He is a covenant-keeping God.

Know, therefore, that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments

Deuteronomy 7:9

Sowing for future generations

So, my question to you is as follows: what are you planting or sowing today that will benefit future generations?

See, we live in a society that is obsessed with instant gratification. This microwave generation wants to see results now!

However, what if we become stewards for the next generation. We plant spiritual and financial seeds that will benefit our children.

I believe it’s the Father’s (God) heart to bless us; I believe it is wise to earnestly seek Him so we can be aligned to steward that promise for our future generations.

How beautiful is it for us to plant spiritual tamarisks so that our children can sit in their shade? They can bask and witness the faithfulness of God through our obedience!

As we reflect on this power-packed post about the tamarisk, let us also remember to plant the seeds of blessings for future generations. May our tamarisk trees symbolize hope and new beginnings, and may they provide refreshment and fruitfulness for all who come across them.

My grandfather’s spiritual seeds

My grandfather was a wonderful man. I have written about him in a previous post titled “Remembering grandpa.” One thing that he did was he woke up every single morning to intercede for his future generations. He did so diligently to his dying day.

Grandpa planted those seeds by faith…knowing full well that he won’t be here to see the outcome of the seeds he planted. Like the tamarisk, the spiritual seeds are maturing after his time.

Even as he was frail and lost a lot of his hearing, at age 100 plus, he remained committed to intercession. I remember in 2013; he went on to say that it was the year he knew the Lord would take him home. He even said God had shown him how beautiful his funeral would be. So he requested that I fly back to Kenya for final blessings. I remember him sitting on his bed and praying, “Let us thank the Lord…”

So yesterday, I was challenged. Sooo challenged to pick up the baton and do my part for future generations. I refuse for there to be a gap; I want to stand in the gap and bridge, touch, and agree with the momentum grandpa set.

My father also set financial seeds for us. I remember him working so hard and always saying, “This is for my great-grandchildren. I don’t know them, but this is for them and their children’s children.”

All I can say is…. goosebumps.

And that’s it, folks, the tamarisk tree in the Bible

Key Takeaways:

  • The tamarisk tree symbolizes hope and new beginnings in the Bible.
  • Planting spiritual tamarisk trees is an act of obedience that comes with the potential to bless future generations.
  • Tamarisk trees are also a symbol of spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

As we reflect on the tamarisk trees, let us also remember to plant the seeds of blessings for future generations.

I leave you with this beautiful song by Elevation. I pray for blessings to your future generations.❤️


Heather Chesiyna_Signature_MOS

30 thoughts on “Tamarisk Tree in the Bible | Inspiring”

      • Indeed GOD uses people you will never meet or never known existing, you have shared so much in deepth about the Tamarisk tree and have inspired me to want to start looking for it and hopefully plant it for my future generation as their seed as you well put it.
        You have just confirmed what i have started with my two small daughters for me planting hope in the Lord for them by introducing them to Jesus in our every evening bible study. Thank you and May the GOD of my father Abraham bless you in abundance as he is the father of faith. #El Olam

  1. Listened to Tim Sheets and he mentioned this tree so I went looking for its deeper meaning. Thanks so much for looking at it so in-depth. Much appreciated!

  2. The Lord shined a light today in my intimate time with Him on the Tamarisk tree. I felt a stirring in my spirit to research and look up the symbolism. This post is beautiful and glorifies the Lord. I reached out today to one of my trainers and Apostles who lives in South Africa to take a picture for me as I am all the way in Canada.

    • Hello Tina! Thank you so much for your heartwarming comment. I praise the Lord that it blessed you and that it glorifies our Lord! The tamarisk tree really blessed me so much and I’m still in awe at the way this post has blessed many. May God bless you abundantly!

  3. This was such a blessing.. thanks.. let us also dig wells and set streams flowing, plant Tamarisk trees which will bless our children long after we have gone home to heaven 🪴

    • Amen Heidi! Let us continue to dig wells and streams indeed! This is a profound analogy that you’ve shared! I praise the Lord for you and I pray that he extends your boundaries so that they fall in pleasant places!

  4. Hi. I was reading my bible and deeply studying it again. So I was writing notes and became curious with the meaning of the names of places mentioned and came across 1Sam 22 and I don’t have an idea what a tamarisk tree is. Thank you for this. Your grandfather seems like he really had a close relationship with God and your dad working hard even for his future grandchildren is so sweet. Makes me teary. How wonderful godly men they are. And this writing is so full of significant information. I’m so thankful you wrote this. I feel like God’s telling me there is hope and no matter how much I stumble, His promises will still be fulfilled even when I don’t deserve it.

    • Hello Priscilla! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this heartfelt comment. I’m so moved to hear that this post moved you and you found it helpful! I praise the Lord! My grandfather indeed was a great blessing to me! God is always with us and at this very moment He is with you as he hears every whisper, tear and prayer. Nothing is lost when we serve our Lord. All of us stumble but he gives us the grace to rise up and continue our walk. I thank the Lord for your Priscilla, may the Lord continue to use you and bless you immensely!

  5. Hi Heather! I really enjoyed your post. I traveled to Israel this past August and sat under a tamarisk tree where our guide taught us many of the things you mentioned in your post. I have my own ministry (Known Ministries) which is committed to helping people find comfort and change in Christ to they can leads others to do the same! My friend and I started a podcast as well called Conversational Counseling to help Christians gain confidence and competence in applying Scriptures to the daily struggles of life. I loved the whole concept of the tamarisk so much we have decided to use it as our new logo and hope to have it up by Jan 2023. I just wanted to thank you for your study, story, and inspiration. It was confirmation to me that we are headed in the right direction!

    • Brenda! This is awesome! This totally warms my heart to know that this post was also echoed in Israel. I praise the Lord for the revelation. I’m so happy that you will be using it as your logo for your ministry! This is of great significance and I can’t wait to see it once you are done. I will visit your website as well. God bless you so much for your kindness!

  6. I took truly appreciate trees. I was googling Tamarisk trees and stumbled on your blog. Wow God knows how much I love trees and He goes and blessed me with this today. How awesome is our God. I added you to my favorites hope to read your other blogs. What a blessing this read was.Thank you for being obedient to post.

    • Hello Kathleen! Thank you so much for your kind comment! Comments like yours motivate me to continue my writing ministry. I’m happy to learn that you love trees as well. Glad that this post blessed you. May the Lord bless you and increase you!

  7. Wow! This was so amazing! I felt the peace of God while reading this! Thank you for your faithfulness! Keep growing mam! Your work is not in vain!! Even if you don’t see the fruit! I am encouraged to do the same both financially and spiritually! Thank you for teaching me this! I was very much blessed by this!

    • Hello Phil! Glad to hear that you felt the peace of God while reading this. I also appreciate the encouragement you have given me. It means a lot! May God bless you for this. Kindest Regards, Heather.

  8. Hi, I am a missionary in Namibia. Many years ago just as I started my journey in Namibia I faced a challenge that would end my call to Namibia. During my quiet time I read about Abraham planting a Tamarisk Tree. That day I went outside and planted a tree….I could not find a Tamarisk but in faith I planted a tree trusting God to take me through the trail. It is 23 years later now..I am still in Namibia serving God and still loving trees and planting trees. The Tamarisk has such a powerful meaning for me.

    Thank you for giving even more meaning to my Prophetic action 23 years ago.

    • Hello Linda! Thank you sooo much for writing about your story. This has deeply touched me. I love the fact that you planted a tamarisk tree in faith. Your prophetic act is truly touching and inspires me as well because I too have planted spiritual tamarisks in my ministry. When I face a challenge, I choose to hang on to the promises of God. You have totally inspired me in my ministry walk. God bless you Linda. You have been a God-sent through this comment. Hugs, Heather

  9. Awesome post! Even the smallest things in the Bible mean something. It is so cool how multifaceted God is!

  10. I accidentally came across the name of the Tamarisk Tree. Researching the subject here ….Wow ! Whilst writing, I find myself constantly stumbling upon spiritual messages, which nudge my soul. This article did just that .. thanks ! Coincidence or Chance that I ended up here, maybe neither ?

    • Hello Phoebe, Thanks so much for visiting my website and for commenting! I’m so glad that the Lord brought you here to read this word. Glad to also hear that it nudged your soul. This is heartwarming! God bless you Phoebe! I appreciate you!

  11. This was a wonderful read. My women’s cell group is doing the Daily Walk bible for 2024 and today we read about the Tamarisk tree. I’ve been a Christian for almost 40 years, have read Genesis many times but never picked up on the significance of the tree Abraham planted. So I dug deeper and your blog post enriched me. I am fighting stage 4 cancer and have true faith and hope he will heal me. The tamarisk tree is a promise. Thank you for sharing what God puts on your heart ❤️

    • Hello, Thank you so much for your message. I’m so deeply honored and humbled that the Lord would lead you here to this blog post. The fact that you were enriched just testifies of the power of the Living Word of the Lord. I will be praying for you this week. God bless you. Hugs, Heather

  12. I came across your blog today. I am reading An Appeal To Heaven and felt lead to inquire about the tamarisk tree. Your blog was very inspiring to me! Your family tree is fruitful and inspiring! You are very blessed! I have been blessed to be a direct descendant of the Mayflower Dr. Samuel Fuller. This directed me to the 1607 Covenant and the rich history of our beginnings (some good, some not). But because of the covenant between God and Abraham and the covenant between God and the Mayflower pilgrims, Olam El continues to lead us to His truth to give us hope and a future. Thank you for sharing!🥰

    • Debbie, what a blessing that you are here on this blog post. When I was reading your response, I kept thinking of Deuteronomy 7:9, “Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations.” For you to be a descendant of someone who participated in forging the American covenant with God is inspiring. This matters. I recently discovered some important facts about my lineage that have been passed down from generations (I come from a line of intercessors and seers). So this detail is of significance re: your descendant. The leading of the Lord to this post isn’t by chance. May the Lord provide you guidance and strategy to align yourself to His divine blueprint. Great things are in store. Sending hugs your way!


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