11 Distinct Signs of an Anointed Person (Manifestation)

This post is all about the signs of an anointed person

Excited to learn bout the signs of an anointed person? Well, Let’s start with some questions shall we?

Are you feeling called to a specific purpose? Do you have a sense that God is leading you in a particular direction? If so, then you may be wondering if you are anointed or whether you are walking in your anointing!

This blog post will discuss 11 signs of an anointed person. Get ready for numerous exciting topics.🤩

P.S Feel free to use the table of contents to zero in on a particular section. However, I encourage you to read from start to finish to get the full transforming effect of this post.

I know you will be totally blessed!

Ready? Let’s go.

Why I’m writing this post

I want to take the time to welcome you to this post that I worked on with love. ❤️ One of the things that I’m passionate about is walking in my own purpose and motivating others to do the same! Hence, this post is timely. I hope it blesses you!

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

What is the meaning of anointing?

The word “anoint” comes from the Hebrew word “masah,” which means to pour out.

In the Bible, anointing is often used to describe the process of consecrating someone or something for a specific purpose. It can also refer to the power or presence of God that is given to someone in order to enable them to fulfill their calling.

One of the most important things to remember about anointing is that it is not about us but God. When we are anointed, it is a sign that God is using us to accomplish His will. Anointing is a sign of His approval and blessing, and it is something that all believers should desire.

Anointing in Old Testament vs. New Testament

In the Old Testament, anointing was used as a sign of consecration or appointment to a specific task or office.

Kings, prophets and priests were anointed with oil to symbolize God’s blessing and protection.

For example:

  • When David was anointed, he was set apart as the next king of Israel. Prophet Samuel poured oil on David’s head and said, “The Lord has anointed you ruler over his people Israel” (see 1 Samuel 16:13).
  • God anointed the prophet Isaiah to preach repentance to the Israelites. (Isaiah 61:1)
  • God anointed the prophet, Elijah, to be a messenger of righteousness. (1 Kings 19:16)

In the New Testament:

Jesus was anointed by God to be our Savior. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism, and He was anointed for ministry. (Luke 4:18-19)

So, a major difference people can denote is as follows:

Anointing in the Old Testament referred to the physical act of pouring oil over someone’s head. This was done as a sign of consecration or setting them apart for a specific purpose. In the New Testament, anointing refers to the Holy Spirit being poured out on someone. This is done as a sign of God’s blessing and approval.

Samson’s Anointing

Samson’s anointing was a sign of God’s power and presence. It was also a symbol of His blessing and favor upon Samson. The anointing oil was poured on his head, and it was a sign that he had been set apart for special service to God.

Many people assume that Samson’s hair gave him his anointing. However, that’s not the case. Why? When Samson turned his attention away from God to Delilah, he cried out to God, and even though his hair had been cut off, he got his strength back. (Read Judges 16:28-30). So, it wasn’t the hair that gave him strength!

So, what’s the deal?

Here’s the deal: Samson’s anointing didn’t just mark him as someone special; it also gave him the power of the Holy Spirit. This power enabled him to do great things for God, even in difficult situations.

The anointing is a sign of God’s blessing and favor upon someone, and it gives them the power of the Holy Spirit to do His work. If you want to experience God’s power in your life, receive the anointing through faith in Jesus Christ. Ask Him to empower you with the Holy Spirit, and He will do great things through you!

Anointing myths

  1. Anointing is only physical: Anointing is not just a physical act but also a spiritual one. When someone is anointed, they receive power and authority from God.
  2. Anointing is for pastors and prophets only: Some people think that anointing means you are automatically a pastor or a prophet. This is incorrect. Anointing is not just for a select few. It’s for anyone who is called to do God’s work. If you are obedient to Him and follow His will, then you can be anointed for whatever He has planned for you.
  3. It will be easy if I’m anointed: False! Being anointed doesn’t mean that everything will be easy.
  4. If you are anointed, you can’t sin. Wrong! Anointed people can and do sin. However, if someone is truly serious about their anointing, they will repent of their sins and seek to follow Him more closely.
  5. Anointing is about power or status. False! Anointing is about serving others in love.
  6. It is your own strength. No! It is the presence and power of God in your life, empowering you to do His work.
  7. You have to be perfect in order to be anointed. False- the truth is that anointing is for everyone who wants to follow Jesus Christ.

Bible Verses on Anointing

Bible Verses on Anointing

1. Blessing and Favor

“Then Samuel took the flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said, ‘Has not the Lord anointed you commander over his inheritance?” 1 Samuel 10:1

The act of anointing someone with oil was a sign of God’s blessing and favor. It confirmed that He had chosen them for a specific purpose, and it released power into their lives to fulfill that purpose. Anointing was also used to symbolize consecration or setting someone apart for God’s service.

2. Grace and Forgiveness

“Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and standing before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, ‘Take off his filthy garments.’ Then he said to Joshua, ‘See, I have taken away your sin and I will put fine garments on you.” Zechariah 3:24

Here we see an example of God’s grace and forgiveness. Joshua had sinned, but he was forgiven and given a new start. He was also clothed in the righteousness of Christ, which is a symbol of being set apart for God’s service.

3. Authority

“He poured some of the oil on my head and kissed me. He said, ‘I have anointed you king over Israel.’ “1 Samuel 10:1

Anointing was also used as a symbol of authority. When someone was anointed, it meant that they had been given God’s power and blessing to lead His people. This was seen most clearly in the case of Saul, who was anointed as the first king of Israel.

4. God’s love and compassion

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed” Luke 4:18

Anointing is also a sign of God’s love and compassion. He wants to release His healing, freedom, and power into the lives of all people. If you feel called to minister to others, pray for more revelation about your anointing, as it will equip you for the work ahead.

5. All Christians are called!

“Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received when I laid my hands on you”1 Timothy 4:14

Anointing is not just for ministers or those in full-time ministry. All Christians are called to use their spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ. If you feel that God has given you a special gift, be sure to pray for anointing and guidance on how to use it. You may be surprised at the impact you can have when you allow God to use your gifts in His service.

6. Reach the whole world!

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8

God wants to use you to reach the world with His love and compassion. Anointing releases power into your life so that you can be a witness for Him wherever you go. If you are feeling called to missions, pray for anointing and guidance. He will equip you for the work ahead.

7. Presence of God!

“The anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.” 1 John 2:27

Anointing is a sign of God’s presence in your life. It teaches you about all things and brings truth and reality to your spiritual walk. If you are seeking truth, be sure to pray for anointing and guidance. Anointing will also give you discernment so that you can know the difference between truth and deception.

What does “the anointing breaks the yoke” mean?

 There is a common translation of Isaiah 10:27 that people often misquote. People often say, “The anointing breaks the yoke.” However, if you look at the KJV, it actually says the anointing destroys the yoke.

Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

Perhaps I can go into detail in another post. But in short, when a yoke is destroyed, it’s done! That means we receive complete freedom. How can we break the yoke? By feeding our spirit (not flesh), reading the word of God, etc.

What hinders the anointing from manifesting?

Sometimes people wonder what could prevent one from living to their full potential. What prevents them from fully walking in their anointing?

Well, anything that would hinder the anointing would be anything that goes against what God has called you to do.

  1. Sin, disobedience, and lack of faithfulness will quickly quench the fire of God’s Spirit in your life. If you are living in sin or not walking in obedience to God, you can be sure that you are not fully walking in your anointing.
  2. Not living for God’s purpose and plan for your life, then you can also expect the anointing to be minimal. The Lord desires for us to walk in obedience and follow Him closely to experience His power and presence in our lives.
  3. Pride. If you are not careful, you can begin to think too highly of yourself and start to believe that you are better than others. This type of attitude will quickly quench the Spirit’s fire in your life, and you will no longer be able to experience God’s power. It is important to stay humble before the Lord and remember that we are all sinners saved by grace.
  4. Envy. Envy will quickly disrupt your life when you allow it to take root in your heart. You will start to focus on what others have instead of thankful for what the Lord has given you.
  5. Generational curses I need to do a YouTube video on this one! Lots to unpack.

The anointing is a precious gift from God, and we should do everything we can to fully walk in it. We should walk in obedience to Him, stay humble, and focus on being thankful for what we have.

How is anointing connected to gifts and purpose?

As I have reiterated throughout the post, when we are anointed, we are set apart for a specific purpose. We are blessed and consecrated to do God’s work. When we are anointed, we are able to do the things that God has called us to do.

And this is why anointing is so important – it connects us to our gifts and purpose. If I were to use a bit of pizzaz to explain that, it’s like a “secret sauce” that empowers us to carry out our calling.

Knowing God’s will and purpose for your life is essential to living a truly anointed life.

Authenticity with your purpose, giftings, and anointing

It’s so important to be authentic in what God has called you to do! Why? You will feel a sense of authenticity and peace when you are doing what God has called you to do. That means you know God’s will and purpose for your life, and you are obedient to His calling.

Please don’t fall prey to envy, jealousy, and copying others, as this can quench the authentic manifestation of your calling. God hasn’t called you for another person’s task but for your task that was predestined upon your life!

Remember, we are all striving as the body of Christ to serve the Lord and bring Glory to God! Let’s be authentic in our anointing, and let’s see what God will do through us!

11 signs an anointed person is walking in their anointing

7 manifestations of the anointing

Based on all the foundation I laid in the post, I want to move over to this section. Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list, but you need to keep in mind these important things!

Here are eleven signs that an anointed person is walking in their anointing.

Let’s take a look at each one:

1. When you have a strong sense of calling and purpose, it means that you are meant to do something special with your life. You may feel like God has called you to a specific mission or ministry, and you are driven to follow His will.

2. An anointed person is authentic and true to themselves. They don’t put on a false persona or try to be someone they’re not. They are comfortable in their own skin and let their true personality shine through.

3. When you know God’s will for your life, it means that you have a close relationship with Him and can hear His voice. You can trust that He will guide you in the right direction and help you accomplish His plans for your life. This point can also tie well with the spirit of discernment. 

4. The power of the Holy Spirit is alive and active in an anointed person’s life. They experience His presence and guidance regularly, and they can do great things through Him.

5. People are often drawn to anointed individuals because they have a certain presence about them. They exude peace, joy, and love, and others can feel it when they’re around them.

6. An anointed person often has a unique gift or talent that God has called them to use. It may be something they’ve been gifted with naturally, or it could be an ability that they’ve developed over time through hard work and practice.

7. Obedience is key for an anointed person. They are willing to do whatever God asks of them, even if it’s difficult or challenging. They trust that He knows what’s best for them, and they are willing to follow His plan no matter what.

8. Discipleship and the heart of a servant are important to anointed people.

9. You have a passionate love and hunger for the Word of God. You spend time praying and studying the Scriptures, allowing them to transform your life.

10. Divine favor- When you are walking in your authentic anointing, you will be able to live a life that is empowered by the favor of God. This means that you will be able to do great things and accomplish amazing things for the kingdom of God.

11. When you are walking in your anointing, you can be assured of His protection and provision.

Prayer regarding your anointing

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your anointing in my life. Thank You for empowering me to do Your work. Please help me to be obedient to Your will, even when it’s difficult, and to maintain a heart of humility. Help me shine Your light into the world so that others may see the glory of God through me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

And that’s it, folks, 11 signs of an anointed person

Thank you so much for reading this post! 🤗

If you want to watch my YouTube video that accompanies this post, here it is:

Here’s the takeaway: anointing is a powerful gift from God that should not be taken lightly.

If you’re feeling called to do something special for God, don’t be afraid! He has already anointed you for the task.

Remember to be obedient and faithful, and let Him lead the way. You will not be disappointed.


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36 thoughts on “11 Distinct Signs of an Anointed Person (Manifestation)”

      • Thanks for this blog. I experienced the anointing 27 years ago but didn’t understand what it meant until I moved to an exceptional church that explained that an assignment was over my life. As soon as the word assignment was mentioned I knew what the assignment was and is going forward. I am aligned with everything you have explained and described. Praise God.

      • Hello Valerie, thank you so much for this message. I appreciate this so much. I’m glad to hear that the church explained the assignment over your life. This is nice to hear that you are planted in a good church! I praise the Lord that you are in alignment with this word. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you walk in your assignment! Hugs, Heather

  1. Thanks for the article. I believe I am annointed and I can testify on all the signs you explained are true…

    Another one to add is I personally sometimes weep for the lost. I get overwhelmed by mans brokenness, mans rebellion and hardness of heart towards God and I start sobbing as the Holy Spirit shows me his heart…

    Another one is personally I can’t shake off Gods will… I can’t escape it (not that I want to) Doing Gods will is as breathing to me… There’s a sense of urgency in my heart to do Gods will.

    Another one is I feel like other Christian’s dont quite understand me. I explain how God speaks to me and guides me and I feel like they think I’m making things up… I realise my relationship with God is unique (not lifting myself up at all) God has given me a task which is so tangible so it can be quite lonely but God always reminds me he is with me

    Lastly as much I hear God very clear regularly there is a lot of pain involved… I dont really know how it works but I endure a lot of pain and hardship. Its almost like God tests me regularly to see my heart and in the process he teaches me to rely on him…

    I really haven’t got the time to elaborate but that was in interesting article you wrote & thank you

    • Hello Dee! Oh wow, thank you for sharing this heartfelt response. I bless the Lord for bringing you here to my post. I appreciate the add ons you provided, this is so true and I truly resonate with what you said. I understand where you mentioned, ” I personally sometimes weep for the lost.” I feel this as well- in regards to the people I’m called to. I feel a burden to pray and act with urgency, just as you explained.
      Regarding the pain and hardship, I am going through that season now and I know God is equipping me. Typically if you have a big kingdom assignment that requires anointing– the testing is a lot! Weuh! I know this firsthand. But it comes with the territory and responsibility! I hope you will see my response. I am so blessed with your post. God bless you!

      • This was a great article to read! Thank you so much!

        Dee, I understand completely. I feel “weird” sometimes. I love talking about the Holy Spirit.


  2. Thank you for writing this. I have been searching reasons for my anointing. Your article has answered it. Thank you. God bless you!

  3. I like the part you said everyone is anointed in their own unique way and should not try to imitate anyone. Thank you and God bless you

    • Hello Sabrina, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your kind words… I’m also blessed to hear you were blessed by this particular post. May the Lord bless you for your encouragement. Shalom ❤️

  4. I am an ordained Elder of the gospel and I thoroughly enjoyed your article on the Anointing. As I read it a deep sense of pure joy welled up inside of me where it took my breath away. The anointing is crucial to the work of Kingdom Building. as it is God’s manner of authenticating the work that he has empowered us to do. Our church is doing a series on “Fresh Oil Anointing” where the ministers will have an opportunity to deliver a sermon on the subject. Tomorrow is my day to stand before the people. One thing the anointing teaches me is that it is not my natural talents or ability that is going to enlighten the people and compel the unsaved to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.. Thank you sir, for sharing with us the anointing God has graced your with to explain what the anointing is.

    • Elder Richard Avery, God bless you for this kind comment; I appreciate this so much. As I’m serving here by writing these articles, I praise the Lord when I receive this feedback. I always strive to yield fully to the Spirit of God, and these comments keep me going. First, I like the series title, “Fresh Oil Anointing.” This is super important for everyone to know! I also liked the phrase, “The anointing is crucial to the work of Kingdom Building.” Yes, this is absolutely important. I appreciate your insight. I know your church will be blessed. May God bless you abundantly!

  5. Thank You!! Very helpful! I believe this is helping me with a dream interpretation. However, it was more than a dream it was also an encounter in my sleep with God!! Also thank you Dee as well for the add on! I know that I am called!! This article verifies being Annointed!!! Everything you wrote and Dee said… I have been experiencing. I thank God that you are being obedient in following his will. His work for us will help so many find Jesus and his answers. I thought it important to leave a comment, because sometimes we think nothing is happening. We may not realize that God is already using us impact souls. I am just beginning to realize this myself. I am sure you may already be aware of your impact. As for me why my will belongs to the Lord Jesus!! God Richly Bless You! Glory to God in the highest.

    • Haroula! Wow!!! Thank you so much for your kind comment. This means so much to me. Comments like these make us aware of the ministry impact of the calling the Lord has over our lives. I’m sure Dee will appreciate it too! I’m so glad that this article provides information about your anointing! This is good to know! I pray that the Lord empowers you and continues to reveal himself to you! Glory to the Almighty God! We praise Him forevermore!

  6. Thank you for this article. I was called upon at church by my pastors wife, who is well seasoned with the spirit of discernment. She asked me to pray over the congregation. I of course was mortified lol but she said she had heard my name spoken to her 2 weeks in a row. She whispered to me that I have a special anointing and that people were there that were deeply hurting and that they needed me to pray over it. So I did! Whew! I could feel the Spirit on my tongue! After, she told the church that if anyone was experiencing deep emotional hurt, that I was who they wanted to pray over them. I of course, asked God what am I supposed to do with this??? Your article has helped me have an idea on where to direct in my prayers. Thank you!

    • Megan, this is absolutely amazing! First of all, your pastor’s wife is certainly walking in the Spirit of Discernment. I’m glad she obeyed the still, small voice telling her about your special anointing! This is so important. I pray that the Lord continues to reveal more about your anointing. Once you understand what it is and who you are called to (it appears you already know), it gets easier to walk in it. May you continue to get more revelation, and may the Holy Spirit empower you! Blessings, Heather

  7. Thank you so much for this article. I have been on a journey to discover and know God for myself for the past 4 years. This week we are learning about the anointing and oh mine. I have read a couple of articles but yours stands out. My biggest take away is the fact that anointing is a PROCESS! Thank you for being a blessing and for putting this together. May the good Lord continue to bless and inspire you to do what you do. PEACE.


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