7 Dangers of Taking Shortcuts (Biblical Perspective)

This post will discuss the dangers of taking shortcuts

The other day I was thinking about how people take shortcuts in life. It can be blatant or other times, it can be more subtle. Either way, it’s difficult to see others accelerate or fast-track their results (via unscrupulous ways).

I discussed this with my accountability partner, and we were initially frustrated at how we know that people are doing these things. However, after almost a 2-hour conversation, we saw that the costs outweigh any temporary benefits one may enjoy due to shortcuts.

Why? It’s easy to take shortcuts in life. We all want faster results, and it can be tempting to cut corners to get there. But the truth is that taking shortcuts can lead to a life of regret and unfulfillment.

In this post, I’ll explore why you shouldn’t take shortcuts and look at some of the dangers they pose.

Ready? Let’s go…

Why do people take shortcuts?

People take shortcuts for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, we’re just lazy and don’t want to put in the effort required to achieve our goals. Other times, we might be under pressure from others to meet unrealistic deadlines. Whatever the reason, it’s important to resist the temptation to take shortcuts.

Verses about shortcuts

Proverbs 14:23– “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. “

Proverbs 16:25– “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”

Philippians 1:6– “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

The Peter Principle

I have a background in finance (undergrad), so sometimes, I lean on my analytical mind to explain things. When I was actively working, I would always tell people about the Peter Principle, and they would be fascinated. I would always stress the importance of learning and mastering your skills in every position or season of your life.

Want to learn more about this principle? Here goes:

The Peter Principle is a well-known idea in business circles. It explains how people can be promoted to their level of incompetence. In other words, you’ll be promoted until you reach a position where you’re no longer good at it.

This principle has its roots in an observation made by economist Laurence J. Peter back in the 1960s. Since then, it’s been used to explain why so many organizations have incompetent leaders. And it’s also been used as a justification for why some people never get promoted, regardless of how good they are at their jobs.

The key takeaway from the Peter Principle is that it explains why you shouldn’t take shortcuts. When you take shortcuts, you often end up doing more work in the long run. This is because you have to go back and fix errors that you made when you took the shortcut. In addition, taking shortcuts can often lead to a loss of quality.

In my experience, the Peter Principle is absolutely true. I’ve seen plenty of people get promoted to positions of incompetence. And I’ve also seen plenty of people who never get promoted, regardless of how good they are at their jobs.

Quick Caveat: In as much as I love to use this principle to explain shortcuts, I ultimately believe that if you are believer and apply biblical principles…you will be given a divine blueprint by God to be able to soar into your purpose. You aren’t laboring in vain. You will have learned all the necessary skills to perform in your purpose. So don’t lose heart about trusting the process or being patient. Don’t despise your humble beginnings.

Seven dangers of taking shortcuts

Ok, here are the dangers:

1. You’ll miss out on the joy of the journey

One of the best parts about reaching your goals is all the hard work and dedication that went into it. When you take shortcuts, you miss out on this feeling of accomplishment.

2. You might not reach your destination

Shortcuts often don’t lead where you want them to. They might get you there faster, but they could also lead you astray.

3. You could get hurt

Many shortcuts involve taking risks, and these risks can often lead to injury or even worse.

4. You could damage your reputation

Cheating and taking shortcuts is often looked down upon by others. This can damage your relationships and your reputation.

5. You might not learn anything

Part of the reason we set goals is to learn and grow as individuals. When you take shortcuts, you miss out on this opportunity for growth.

6. You could miss important details

When you’re in a hurry, it’s easy to overlook important details that could come back to bite you later on.

7. You could end up regretting it

Taking shortcuts often leads to regrets further down the road. It’s better to take your time and do things the right way from the start.

And that’s it, folks, 7 Dangers of Taking Shortcuts

So next time you’re tempted to take a shortcut, remember all the dangers they pose. It’s not worth it in the end! Trust God and put in the hard work instead. You’ll be glad you did!

Here is the corresponding YouTube video for this post:


6 thoughts on “7 Dangers of Taking Shortcuts (Biblical Perspective)”

  1. Interesting read Heather. I have seen more than a few being promoted to a position of incompetence. Often they get there by a lot of networking and socializing with the necessary people. I always found it baffling that they would somehow manage to coast in their position riding on the coattails of those in the team who get the Job done. It used to frustrate me a lot, not that it does not now but I remind myself that God is seeing my hard work and that is what I should focus on rather than why someone else is getting away with their lack of work or incompetence.

    • I agree Manu, it used to frustrate me as well, but I just hold on to the promises of God that he will truly complete the work that He started. We are fortunate that we have a God that has plans for our prosperity and not harm. 💖


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