Reconnecting with Old Friends (Heartwarming)

This post is about reconnecting with old friends!

Four tips are listed at the end of the post.

How I lost contact…

Confession: for the past ten years, I have been so engrossed in my career.

The busy career pursuit made me kind of drop off the face of the earth. I didn’t do it on purpose; I remember that I graduated from my undergrad, I began building myself and tried my best to gain new skills and go up the career ladder.

Building my career translated to working long hours and domestic travel.

Before my graduation, I had kept in touch with numerous friends from my business school in Kenya and high school.

However, over each busy passing year at my job, I slowly started losing connections. Numbers changed, phones got lost, plus some of my friends also moved all over the world.

Reconnecting with old friends

Joining social media and reconnecting!

So this week, I finally joined a social media platform and found two really close friends. One was a roommate of mine in high school (it was a boarding school), while the other was a college buddy who now resides in Tanzania.

My friend that lives in Tanzania was elated when she found me. She said she spent three years looking for me and would try and call old numbers and visit my old home, but fate wasn’t on her side.

She wanted me to be at her wedding in 2018, and I just broke down, realizing how time had flown and how much she meant to me as a friend. 😭

For my other buddy, who was a roommate, we spoke of life too and purpose. It is as if I instantly reconnected with kindred spirits. We were even catching up from the last conversations we had with each other with profound accuracy.🥰

How I feel about reconnecting!

All in all, I feel so happy to have reconnected with my friends. 😊

I am someone who genuinely loves history in friendships. I have friends from first grade that I still talk to and meet from time to time when I am in Kenya.

When I think of all the blessings and opportunities that have come up when I left my demanding job in 2019, I still can’t believe that I wrestled with God to stay when he told me my season there had ended.

Sigh! I love this new season!

Lastly, nobody talks about how immigration can totally uproot one from friends and life in general. 🤯Ughh. Story for another day, though 🙃

TIPS for Reconnecting with old friends

Reconnecting tips

Some friendships are for a season

Not all friendships are meant to be reconnected. So my advice is, don’t open a door that you really don’t intend to open.

If you truly feel that a season ended with a friendship, it’s ok.

I wrote a blog post about this in 2014 titled Friendships-Growing Apart.

I am so glad I have this blog post up because it reminds me that sometimes some friends are for a season and other friends are for a lifetime.

Have an open mind

For real! This is a big one. You never know what you will find out after many years have elapsed. Things may have totally changed.

Expect the unexpected!

When you have the initial conversation, I would say try to listen to their story as you catch up! Don’t jump to conclusions.

Also, another thing is, they may decide not to restore the relationship and vice versa. That’s why I say keep an open mind.

It can be nerve racking…but try not to stress

As I said earlier, history in friendships is a big thing. Perhaps that’s why you want to restore that friendship.

However, try not to stress!

And this brings me to a crucial final point…. (why you shouldn’t stress)…

You will find your tribe!

If, for some reason, you are unable to reconnect…I want to encourage you…

I have learned over the years that you can and will find your tribe once you prime yourself to receive the best friends.

I think it’s a mindset thing.

Once I really worked on myself (spiritually, emotionally, and mentally), I found myself making new healthy friendships.

And that’s it….my reconnecting with old friends story!


15 thoughts on “Reconnecting with Old Friends (Heartwarming)”

  1. Aww, I am so happy for you that you were able to connect with two of your old friends. I can relate to being busy and dropping off the face of the earth – I am very much like that. I have eased up with work and that has changed my life.

    • Hey there 🎉 I am super glad things have eased up for you! It’s quite the relief when that happens!!!

      Glad to know that I wasn’t alone with the whole “dropping off the face of the earth 🌍 ” thing 🤣🤣

      Have a blessed time 🎉🎉

  2. Glad you could reconnect with them. I teach ESL for immigrants, so I will be very interested to read your post about immigrating. Where did you come from and where did you immigrate to?


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